Joanna Levesque, better known by her performing name "JoJo" was born on December 20, 1990, in Brattleboro, Vermont. Her family would eventually move to Foxborough, Massachusetts - a small town 30 miles southwest of Boston.As a child, JoJo displayed her singing talents on television shows such as Kids Say the Darndest Things, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Maury, and America's Most Talented Kids. Soon after her appearance on America's Most Talented Kids, JoJo earned a recording contract with Blackground Records.
In 2004, and at only thirteen-years-of-age, JoJo released her first single "Leave (Get Out)" - which would go on to become an international hit. Her self-titled debut album "JoJo" would soon follow.
In late 2005, JoJo and her mother Diana purchased a home in Foxborough, Massachusetts for $440,000.
JoJo and her mother purchased this Foxborough, Massachusetts home in 2005.
JoJo's second album, The High Road, was released in October 2006. The lead single "Too Little Too Late", became her most successful single in the U.S.
In addition to a successful musical career, JoJo has also appeared in the movies Aquamarine, and RV.
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