Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jane Fonda's Atlanta Loft

I find it fascinating how approachable Jane Fonda appears. She has been trying to sell or rent her amazing Atlanta loft for a while and is advertising it in her blog with tons of great pictures. But unlike other celebrities she actually keeps answering people's comments and questions all the time. Apparently the loft is currently rented out to Queen Latifah for $10000 a month, which seems like peanuts compares to some houses on the market with rents up to $140k a month!

Here is Jane's loft. Her description of the first picture made be laugh though - "This is my entry “hall.” To me it is a womb with a narrow birth channel and then you enter the wide open sunny loft to be born again." I must admit that I can see the resemblance to her description there...

She also has a glass fireplace in the bedroom...

Jane Fonda Atlanta loft- birth canal entrance

Jane Fonda Atl loft

Jane Fonda Atl loft

Jane Fonda Atl loft

Jane Fonda Atl loft

Jane Fonda Atl loft

Jane Fonda Atl loft

Jane Fonda Atl loft

Jane Fonda Atl loft

images Jane Fonda

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